The most advanced solution to circulation trouble is here! The vast majority of chronic diseases are related to poor circulation. Blood flow slows down with age; BEMER can help restore healthy blood flow.

I am very excited to offer BEMER vascular therapy, a medical device for non-invasive health optimization. I truly believe that this is a game-changer for those interested in being as healthy as possible!
B-E-M-E-R stands for Bio Electro Magnetic Energy Regulation.  It is patented technology from Europe.  It has been researched for over 20 years and is available in 42 countries, 4,000 hospitals, and almost 1.5 million households.  BEMER is safe, non-invasive, and effective. In the USA, it is cleared as a Class II Medical Device by the FDA. NASA has a collaboration agreement with BEMER to incorporate this technology to help the astronauts with their health challenges.

BEMER vascular therapy provides a systemic increase in blood flow at the capillary level, allowing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to our cells, the removal of CO2, and the transfer of waste products of cellular metabolism for natural (drug-free) detoxification to take place. The effects of an 8-minute BEMER session lasts 12-16 hours. With improved circulation, the body can heal itself!     

I use my BEMER twice daily for a wide variety of purposes and I’m very happy to experience many benefits, including a reduction of physical discomforts, improved energy and sleep, improved cognition and athletic recovery, and younger, healthier skin and hair. I also bring it with me for travel and jet-lag issues. Pets love BEMER too. My aging dog loves her BEMER sessions. The horse model is also very popular. I’m more than happy to share more information about this revolutionary device via appointment so you can learn more and experience it yourself. View my BEMER profile page in the link here:

Click the link below for more information on how BEMER can Change Your Life!